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Contact Us For Free Legal Consultation

If you’ve been injured in an accident or suffered damages to your property and you’re looking for a reliable attorney in Los Angeles for legal representation, schedule a free case evaluation by calling the firm or completing the form below. Our team will gladly look over your personal injury or property damage insurance claim case and help by providing you with direction on your next steps.

Request A Free Case Evaluation

Fill out the form below to receive a free and confidential consultation by a personal injury or property damage attorney.


Kristina Vardanian

Put your personal injury and property damage case in the hands of the experts so that you can get back to your regular life and stop worrying about navigating the complicated legal process.
If you’re ready to have our team fight for your rights, our legal team is ready to get you help by providing free legal consultation in the following practice areas:

What to Expect From A Free Legal Consultation With A Personal Injury And Property Damage Lawyer

Have you been personally injured or had damage to your property and are looking for the right attorney to fight for you? At Era Law, Inc, we offer a free consultation to help assess your case and guide you in the right direction. During your personal injury or property damage claim free consultation, it’s important that you’re not empty-handed. Make sure you present any evidence you have gathered such as photos, videos, a copy of the police report, medical records, witness contact information or statements, or anything else that might be helpful during your legal consultation.
Make sure that what you provide during your lawyer consultation is as accurate as possible. The more accurate the evidence that you provide the better our team can help you with your personal injury or property damage insurance case.
A free consultation with a personal injury lawyer at Era Law, Inc, will give you a better idea of what type of case you have, what your chances are, and what other evidence would help your case.
When you’re coming to your free personal injury consultation make sure you’re prepared with questions that you’d like to ask such as:
Just like you will ask questions, our attorneys will also ask questions during your free consultation with a personal injury lawyer. If the questions sound a little pointed there’s no need to worry. Part of being a personal injury and property damage lawyer is digging up as much information as we can to fully evaluate what type of case you may have.
During a free legal consultation, it is likely that you will discuss what the services fees or costs will be. At Era Law, Inc, we’re proud to let you know that you have no upfront costs or out of pocket expenses. We don’t get paid unless you get paid after your settlement. We feel it’s vital to help make expert legal counsel as accessible as possible to anyone who requires the help of an attorney.
It is important to note that during a free legal consultation, anything spoken between the two parties is part of attorney-client privilege. We will not provide any revealing information about you or your claim unless provided with informed consent from you. It does not matter the type of personal injury case we discuss. Whether you speak with our car accident lawyer, motorcycle accident lawyer, truck accident lawyer, or for any other personal injury cases, your free legal consultation will remain private.
Now that you have a better understanding of what goes on during a personal injury lawyer free consultation, make sure to schedule your consultation with us. Hiring a licensed personal injury attorney with a high success rate can be the difference between settling for less and getting the compensation you deserve.