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Property Damage

Los Angeles Property Damage Attorney

Property damage is an expensive issue that can cost thousands of dollars to repair. In most instances, your insurance should cover the repair costs, but it’s often more complicated than it sounds. You may run into issues with your insurer, meaning the onus is on you to pay for costly repairs. If this has happened to you, contact a Los Angeles property damage attorney right away!

Nobody should be held responsible for the actions of someone else. In many property damage cases, your property was damaged due to the negligence of another person. As such, you’re in a position where things are broken but it wasn’t your fault. Honest insurance providers – which are few and far between – should kick in and provide coverage. Unfortunately, what usually happens is they make up some reason to put the blame on you. They deny your perfectly valid claim, refusing to pay the proper compensation for your damages or loss or deny your claim.

Our Los Angeles property damage attorneys can help you file a case when your property has been damaged. It wasn’t your fault, so why should you pay a single penny? We’ll fight for you, helping you claim as much compensation as you deserve. 

Contact the team at Era Law today if you’ve been a victim of bad faith insurance for property damages.

Proper Representation & Maximum Compensation For Your Property Damage Claims

Working with a property damage attorney in Los Angeles can help you recover your losses when your property has been damaged. Our expert attorneys commonly deal with three main types of property damages for clients:

Residential Property Damage


Unfortunately, homes can be victims of many accidents and things outside of your control. In Los Angeles, many homes suffer damages from weather conditions, wildfires, earthquakes, and many other natural disasters. There can also be accidents caused by other people that damage your home in some way. For example, someone could crash their car into your house or another part of your property. A construction company may cause damage when working on your home and refuse to pay for it. In any of these instances, a specialist Los Angeles property damage lawyer can get you the compensation you deserve. 

Motor Vehicle Damage


Every single day people are involved in motor accidents in Los Angeles County. This leads to substantial damages to motor vehicles of any shape and size. If you’ve been involved in a property damage car accident – either directly or indirectly – you could be entitled to compensation. Provided there’s proof that the accident wasn’t your fault, you don’t need to pay for any repairs to your vehicle – or to replace it.

Naturally, all three of these scenarios should be covered by some form of insurance. Both home insurance and business insurance are optional, but most individuals in LA are advised to have it. Of course, it’s against the law to drive a motor vehicle without insurance, so why aren’t you covered when damages occur? 

Typically, it comes down to the insurance provider doing their best to avoid spending money. They can convincingly argue that you’re not actually covered, finding any reason to suggest that the accident was outside the coverage area. A Los Angeles property damage lawyer will help you in situations like this. A lot of our clients involve forming cases against insurance providers, getting them to uphold their end of the bargain. By the time the case is closed, we’ll ensure that your insurance pays the compensation you’re rightly entitled to. 

Commercial Property Damages


Businesses are also susceptible to all of the concerns that plague homes. If anything, the problem is worse as your livelihood is on the line. Can your company afford to pay for costly repairs after an earthquake has ravaged your offices? It can set back your profits and be bad for business. The worst thing is, you had no control over the accident that damaged your business, so you shouldn’t have to pay for it!

Filing Lawsuit By A Property Damage Claim Attorney

In some instances, you may want to file a property damage lawsuit that completely bypasses your insurance provider. This tends to happen when someone has damaged your property due to their own negligence. You demand compensation, and a lawsuit can help you force the guilty party to pay up.

Our Los Angeles property damage attorneys can assist with claims like this as well. We’re highly experienced in handling court cases and filing lawsuits for our clients. We’ll fight hard to ensure that you get every single penny you deserve from this case. After all, you weren’t at fault, so why should you be forced to suffer?

Experienced Property Damage Lawyers At Era Law

Regardless of what form of property damage you’re suffering from, our team will help you get the right result. Schedule a free consultation with our firm by contacting us today.

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