Insurance Claims

Los Angeles Insurance Lawyer

No one wants to encounter the worst-case-scenario in reality, but what’s even worse is to face the worst situation without a contingency. This philosophy stands at the heart of why we purchase insurance—to have something to protect us if the worst possible crisis erupts before us. Hence for that reason, we need a Los Angeles Insurance Lawyer.
We never expect our last resort to fall through. If you have truly hit rock bottom and experienced a failure from your insurance company to live up to their commitments, you are not alone.
Know your options and help keep insurance companies accountable when they act in bad faith. Our Los Angeles insurance attorney team at Era Law continually stands ready to advocate for the interests of California insurance victims in the Los Angeles county. We have a special interest in cases involving losses from California wildfire and smoke damages. If you are seeking a Los Angeles lawyer to sue your insurance company, Era Law may be the right law team to represent you.

Fighting Insurance Companies for Bad Faith

Bad faith encompasses those situations in which an insurance company denies a valid claim, whether the policy is for property damages, car accidents, home insurance damage claim, or other types of insurance. We can define denials as bad faith since insurance companies operate as for-profit companies and certainly not as nonprofit organizations. You have paid into your insurance policy for years, and you expect the company to protect you.
If an insurance company denies a claim on legitimate grounds, it can still fall under the umbrella of good faith. Conversely, the baseline assumption for a claim of bad faith assumes that the insurance company denied a claim in order to protect its own profits.
Some other circumstances may also fit the definition of bad faith. These situations depend on the type of insurance as well as the surrounding events. Our team at Era Law can answer these types of questions as consultants for a situation you may have encountered.

Types of Claims Our Los Angeles Insurance Lawyers Represent

Bad faith can occur with insurance companies and claims of all types. To help you identify the exact nature of your circumstances, you need to understand the differences between first- and third-party insurance claims.


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With first-party insurance claims, the situation typically involves you directly with the insurance company. This means that you experienced a failure on your insurance company’s part to provide services to you that would generally fall under your policy’s scope.
On the other hand, third-party insurance claims deal with another entity. These types of situations often involve someone targeting you with legal action, followed by a failure from your insurance to pay for legal fees.

Understanding the Denial of Your Insurance Claim

When examining your situation, it is imperative to determine if you have a valid case for suing the company on grounds of bad faith actions. To do so, the first document and process to scrutinize would be your insurance company’s denial of your insurance claim.
The following do not immediately prove your insurance company acted in bad faith, but they can serve as indicators for you to investigate your case further.
Bad faith cases tend to fall apart without proof. If you fear that your insurance company may be acting in bad faith, you should start keeping copies and detailed files on every bit of communication that goes between you and your insurance company, including phone calls. Take careful notes.
Keeping exact and detailed records of correspondence can help win a case for you. Remember that these records provide ammunition for your legal team and paint a clearer picture of your exact experience.

We Pursue Fair Settlements With Insurance Companies

The first step we take, after gathering your evidence, will be to write a letter to the insurance company charging them with acting in bad faith. Most insurance companies want to preserve their reputation as trustworthy entities that protect their clients, so they may act even in response to just your written notice.
Even if your insurance company does not react at all, our team will advocate for your voice as much as possible.
We begin the process with a written accusation of acting in bad faith with twofold purpose. First, we want to state clearly our intentions of pursuing action on your behalf. Second, we may instigate reparative actions from the insurance company right away.
If the company does not take any immediate action, we will then move forward with a personal injury claim. This step sets our goal on securing punitive damages from the insurance company to address the personal injury you experienced because of their bad faith actions.
Again, with a focus on honesty, we strive to make your investment as worthwhile as possible. Our Era Law clients do not receive empty or false commitments to unrealistic goals. In fact, we work in every way we can to maximize client compensation. We want you to receive compensation for what you experienced, and we also want to punish, to the highest possible degree, bad faith actions by insurance companies.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Much Can I Expect In Compensation?
At Era Law, we strive to maintain a commitment to transparency and honesty. With that said, we do not believe in setting false expectations by providing estimates without examining a client’s case first. We recommend scheduling a free consultation where we can give you a fair and clear evaluation of your case.
How Long Does the Process Take?
The length of your case can depend on several factors, including your insurance company, the type of policy, the type of claim involved, and other factors as well. Era Law believes in good, hard work and does not shy away from cases that may take longer. However, you can rest assured that we will work towards the best possible outcome for you.
Can You Guarantee Results For Me?
Our team at Era Law prefers not to utilize empty promises to gain cases. Instead, we recommend that prospective clients evaluate our firm based on client reviews and on our track record. Currently, we maintain a 96% success rate with a total exceeding $50 million in funds we’ve recovered for our clients.

Win Your Case With The Right Los Angeles Insurance Law Attorney

Our role in serving you is to make a convincing case that your insurance company actually acted in bad faith regarding your insurance claim. You must realize that if you were to pursue the case on your own, you would encounter a professionally licensed and trained legal defense on behalf of the insurance company. This can be formidable for a person not trained and experienced in law.
Knowing this, you may want to conduct some research to evaluate your options for Los Angeles insurance bad claim lawyers. At Era Law, we welcome any prospective clients to make their assessments after examining past client reviews for the most honest evaluation of client service.
At Era Law, we possess a track record of success. Our law firm strives to embody principles that you can see echoed in client testimonials—principles of empathy, understanding, and perseverance.
The major difference between Era Law and other law firms is our perspective on the client. We view ourselves as professional advocates for our clients. In this way, our knowledge and skills for interpreting and expressing the law act as speakers for your voice to be amplified and heard.
Do not hesitate to contact us, even if you are unsure if your case qualifies as a bad-faith lawsuit. Our team continually remains ready to serve as a resource for our local Los Angeles community. Contact us today for a free consultation and one-to-one attention on your needs at (818) 476-0123.
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